Flint Islamic Community Educational Fund

The Flint Islamic Community Educational Fund (FICEF) was established in April of 2024 in partnership with A Continuous Charity (ACC) to provide ribba-free education to Flint area Muslim students pursuing higher education. FICEF was launched by dedicated members of the Flint Muslim community as a beacon of hope and support, enabling Muslim students to pursue their educational dreams without relying on riba (interest)-based financial loans.

Alhamdulillah, this initiative was inspired by a remarkable young member of the Flint community who, despite numerous challenges, excelled to pursue his higher education through determination and relying on Allah (SWT). The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), who said in a Hadith from Sunan Ibn Majah, “Whoever eases [the difficulty of] a debtor, Allah will make it easy for him in this world and the Hereafter.”

The FICEF is designed as a continuous charity; as awardees repay their loans, these funds are reinvested into the FICEF and reloaned to other deserving students. This sustainable model, Insha’Allah, will continue helping countless students until the Day of Judgment.

If you are interested in supporting the FICEF we encourage you to learn more and consider contributing. Doing so will increase the pool of available funds, extending assistance to more local students. All donations are tax-deductible and sadaqah eligible.

This initiative seeks to empower highly qualified Muslim students to achieve their academic potential while upholding their moral and ethical standards. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) also taught us, “The best among you are those who bring the greatest benefits to many others” (Sahih Al-Bukhari and Muslim).

Jazakum Allah Khair to everyone involved in this virtuous effort.

Your most generous donation

$265,000 of $200,000 goal