We’re passionate about solving the interest-based student loan crisis.
How Does ACC Work?

Our goal is to promote the spiritual and intellectual development of Muslims throughout North America by providing interest-free loans for higher education. By doing this, we hope to bring about a generation of graduates that will have a strong Muslim identity and be well-versed in their fields, using both for the benefit of mankind.
Explanation Of The Loan Process
- Funds are generated from local community fundraisers, sponsors, and investments. These funds are distributed based upon merit, need, community involvement, Islamic awareness, and location.
- A priority will be given to students applying in areas where local fundraising has been done. We call this “local investing with local rewards.” This program will reward communities for their generous donations by giving their qualified students a priority during distribution.

ACC will provide
- Students who are starting their higher education
- Students who started their higher education but need more financial support to complete their degree
- Graduates who have finished their higher education but have outstanding interest-based loans
Power Of 100K Initiative
At ACC we believe in the “Power of Numbers.” This initiative aims to amass 100,000 unique donors who will donate $10 a month. This is our most important project at ACC. We believe that if we can garner participation from everyone for a little amount, we can reach our goal of a $10 million endowment fund in no time.

For students who already have loans that are incurring interest, ACC will refinance the loan and get the student interest-free. We feel this a great option for students who already have careers and are simply in need of consolidating their loans and removing interest from their lives.

Start a family fund with ACC to provide interest-free loans for students and graduates. This model will perpetuate itself and serve as a continuous charity for your family. ACC will take care of everything from reviewing applications, interviewing applicants, producing annual reports for your family, and to most importantly, managing their loans.

At ACC, we believe that the best way to promote education and reduce interest-based loans is through education. By inviting ACC to your community, you will help to ensure that students and their families are better prepared and will make better decisions for higher education. Find out more about the different options available for you.

ACC Transforms Lives
Giving interest-free loans to students has given us a taste of what it’s like to be free from interest. Every student we’ve helped has a story worth sharing.