ACC Pennsylvania Chapter

A Message From The Pennsylvania ACC Board

Your most generous donation


Pennsylvania ACC Team, At Your Service

Our goal is to promote Muslims’ spiritual and intellectual development throughout North America by providing interest-free loans for higher education. By doing this, we hope to bring about a generation of graduates that will have a strong Muslim identity and be well-versed in their fields, using both for the benefit of humanity.

To our potential supporters and financial applicant,

We, the board of the Pennsylvania Chapter of A Continuous Chapter, welcome you to our local webpage. We are dedicating our time outside of our regular daytime jobs to struggling alongside YOU for interest-free financing methods for our present and future generations of students in this country. We believe strongly in this national Muslim 501 (C)(3) nonprofit, and, together, we believe we can accomplish this goal. We invite you to explore the national website and our local page to determine whether we are worthy of your support.

We are proud to be the 8th state-wide chapter in the country. With your support, we will strive to be a model for other nearby states to establish their chapters so that we can achieve our mutual goal of financial empowerment.

Every applicant in the country utilizes the website to apply via either a local chapter or the national endowment fund. Our Pennsylvania ACC chapter operates semi-autonomously from the national umbrella entity by having a small executive board and an overlapping selection committee. The committee is tasked with deciding on a local level on applicants will be provided financing during the yearly application cycle. The applications that originate from this region are then redirected to the selection committee to process, interview, and select. We are responsible for guiding BOTH successful and unsuccessful candidates. We are responsible for guiding the unsuccessful applicants with literature and encouragement on how to finance their education. Our resources are finite, and we would like everyone to benefit from the interest-free approach.

Our goal as a local organization is to start our loans at a minimum of $10,000 per student to make a big enough impact per person. We are looking to empower our students to seek out the rest of their funding from other sources in the community. We believe that you are investing in the future of our Muslim community in this charity. God bless you and your family.

In 2021, we provided $222,791 in loans to 14 students. In 2022, we have $160,000 thus far to lend out, God willing. These were the most deserving students in Pennsylvania and nearby areas that applied for financing. We have 26 monthly recurring donors ranging from $20 to $100 a month as of 5/2/2022. This is our central focus in growing the chapter to provide a sustainable operation for years to come. Please consider joining and increasing this pool of monthly donors.

We are asking you to help us take things to the next level by considering being a part of this initiative and allowing connecting us with like-minded people.

March 5th 2022 Sh El-Shinawy Fundraiser Keynote Address

Sheikh El-Shinawy Allentown PA ACC Testimonial

Also, a short two minute youtube clip illustrates this interest-free approach in a concise manner. We believe it is easy to follow along and may serve as a source of guidance for those that are seeking such help.

Read the article “ Its Not As Hard As You May Think To Get An Interest-Free Loan,” which describes this approach. This article was written by one of our local members.

*Below are several types of documents for your review. One document describes the details of the structure of the national and local “A continuous charity” organization, including a fully transparent May, 2022 financial report. The financial report includes how the finances of the chapter are organized and the funds found within our chapter. The other documents include an example of a repayment plan and some literature relating to interest-free loans in our tradition. We ask our Lord for help, guidance, and forgiveness for anything we may have said incorrectly.

Sincerely Yours,
Pennsylvania ACC Board

Pennsylvania Board Members


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